Guest: Ray Davidson, Program Manager for Michigan Cyber Civilian Corps
The Michigan Cyber Civilian Corps (MiC3) is a group of trained cyber security experts who volunteer to provide expert assistance to enhance the State’s ability to rapidly resolve cyber incidents when activated under a Governor declared State of Emergency. The group includes volunteers from government, education, and business sectors.
The MISSION of MiC3 is to work with government, education, private sector organizations, and volunteers to create and implement a rapid response team to be activated under a Governor declared cyber State of Emergency and to provide mutual aid to the government, education, and business organizations in the State of Michigan.
Ray’s Social: LinkedIn | Twitter
Links from This Week's Episode
- The Verge - Almost all WannaCry victims were running Windows 7
- Bleeping Computer - New SMB Worm Uses Seven NSA Hacking Tools.
- Cyware - Why Revealing Cybersecurity Experts Is So Dangerous
- Security Week - New Bill Forces Cybersecurity Responsibility into the Boardroom
- SANS - Incident Response Capabilities in 2016
- Healthcare IT News - Include lawyers in Cybersecurity Incident Response Planning, Forrester
- State of Michigan - Michigan Cyber Civilian Corps
- Business Insider - Google's Mysterious New OS Looks Completely Different from Android